Unemployment Relief Programme URP Intended to Provide Short Term Employment

Release date: 4/11/2017

The Ministry of Works and Transport acknowledges the protest staged by workers attached to the Unemployment Relief Programme (URP) in Clarke Road Junction, Penal earlier today on the issue of their perceived job loss, and wishes to reiterate that workers attached to the programme provide short-term employment, in accordance with the rotation principle and available job opportunities.

According to the policy guidelines for the URP 2005-2006, generally workers are rotated for a maximum of three fortnights. Skilled workers such as tradesmen and checkers are rotated for a maximum of six fortnights. It is only after ALL registered persons seeking employment have completed their designated number of fortnights will further employment to those in the programme be considered.

The Ministry of Works and Transport is in the process of streamlining the operations of the Unemployment Relief Programme. This exercise is being conducted so that all eligible workers could benefit and will ensure that the Programme fulfils its mandate and core employment component which is to provide temporary relief to unemployed persons.
