Latest News & Announcements

The Sod has been turned for the Gran Chemin Fishing Facility

27 Jul 2020

On Monday 27th July, 2020, the Ministry of Works and Transport turned the sod to mark the start of construction on the s and Gran Chemin Fishing Facility in Moruga. 

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The Guaico Licensing Office Officially Opened!

24 Jul 2020

On Friday 24th July, 2020, the Ministry of Works and Transport Officially opened the Guaico Licensing Office. Senator the Honourable Rohan Sinanan, Minister of Works and Transport, Mrs. Sonia Francis-Yearwood, Permanent Secretary, Mr. Clive Clarke, Transport Commissioner and other dignitaries were on hand to unveil the plaque and cut the ribbon for the new Licensing Office.

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Taxi Owner Fuel Relief Grant

01 Jul 2020

The Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago (GoRTT) has granted authorisation for the issuance of a Taxi Owners Fuel Relief Grant to mitigate the economic impacts faced by Taxi Owners as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Call for Consulting Services Drainage Action Plan

25 Jun 2020

Call for Consulting services for the Final Design of immediate measures for flood control and a Drainage Action Plan. The CAF-PPSA Program contributes to improving the quality of the projects carried out in the framework of the CAF agenda for the water sector, via the financing of pre-investment studies. At the request of the Government of Trinidad and Tobago, CAF will finance the “Consulting Services for the Final Design of Immediate Measures for Flood Control and a Drainage Action Plan”.

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Changes to Services Offered at the Caroni, Wrightson Road and San Fernando Licensing Offices

09 Jun 2020

The Ministry of Works and Transport wishes to inform the general public of the changes to services offered at the Licensing Offices that takes effect from Monday 8th June, 2020 

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The Curepe Interchange Project Officially Commissioned!

09 Jun 2020

The Ministry of Works and Transport Commissioned the Curepe Interchange Project on Monday 8th June, 2020.

Prime Minister Dr. the Honourable Keith Rowley, Senator the Honourable Rohan Sinanan, Minister of Works and Transport, His Excellency Song Yumin, Ambassador of China to Trinidad and Tobago and cabinet Colleagues, unveiled the plaque for the mega project which was following by a ceremonial lighting.


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Appointments for Licensing Services

02 Jun 2020

The Ministry of Works and Transport wishes to inform the general public that all Licensing Offices will reopen for business on Wednesday, June 03 2020. In keeping with the nationwide mandate to implement and maintain preventive measures to limit the spread of COVID-19 (novel coronavirus), the Transport Division (Licensing), will continue its schedule of services at all locations.

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Reopening of Licensing Offices Nationwide

01 Jun 2020

The Ministry of Works and Transport wishes to inform the general public that all Licensing Offices will reopen for business on Wednesday, June 03 2020. 


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Message from the Minister of Works and Transport -Landmark Road Safety Initiative Launched in Trinidad and Tobago

27 May 2020

We stand on the cusp of a historic moment as today, May 27th, 2020, the Ministry of Works and Transport  Operationalises the Demerit Points and New Fixed Penalty Traffic Ticketing System in Trinidad and Tobago.

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Landmark Road Safety Initiative Launched in Trinidad and Tobago

27 May 2020

By Proclamation, under the hand of Her Excellency, the President of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, amendments to the Motor Vehicle and Road Traffic Act (MVRTA), 2017 were brought into effect on May 26th 2020. This proclamation allows for the implementation of a Demerit Points System, New Traffic Ticketing System and Red Light Camera Enforcement System in Trinidad and Tobago.

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