Hire of Mechanical Equipment/Vehicles for the Ministry of Works and Transport


The Ministry of Works and Transport is responsible for providing the physical infrastructure and transport services necessary for the social and economic development of the country.
The Ministry of Works and Transport is undertaking the Procurement process with a view to concluding a Closed Framework Agreement and hereby invites suitably qualified firms to submit sealed bids for:
Hire of Mechanical Equipment/Vehicles for the Ministry of Works and Transport on an “as and when required” basis for a period of two (2) years
Solicitation Documents may be requested during normal working hours from the Procurement Unit, Ministry of Works and Transport via electronic mail at: procurement@mowt.gov.tt or by contacting the Procurement Unit Level I, Ministry of Works and Transport, at telephone no: 625-1225, ext: 10677
Bidders may submit Bids for one or more category. Separate contracts may be awarded for each item/region based on the number of units offered.
The Invitation to Bid (FA) will be issued electronically to suitably qualified and experienced providers of the goods and services required, listed in the Procurement Depository maintained by the Office of Procurement Regulation (OPR).
Prospective tenderers are advised to visit the Ministry’s website at: http://www.mowt.gov.tt for details with respect to pre-tender meetings/site visit.
The contract will be awarded in accordance with the pre-defined evaluation and qualification criteria outlined in the bidding documents. The services to be provided will be governed by the terms and conditions outlined in the respective Request for Bid (FA).
Tender Documents must be accompanied by the following:

  • Valid Income Tax and Value Added Tax Clearance Certificates issued by the Board of Inland Revenue and dated not more than six (6) months prior to the closing date of the tender. (Applicable to local firms only).
  • A Valid Certificate of Compliance/or Letter of Exemption issued in accordance with the National Insurance Act (Applicable to local firms only).
It is to be noted that failure to include the aforementioned statutory documents or letters of exemption, shall result in tender submissions being deemed as invalid and the MOWT shall not proceed with the evaluation of your tender submission having not met this requirement. Tender Bids will be accepted from Contractors registered and pre-qualified on the Office of the Procurement Regulation (OPR), Procurement Depository.
The Framework Agreement shall be concluded for a Term of 2 years from the commencement date stated in the Framework Agreement.
One original and one (1) hard copy of the bid or Bid(s) should be placed in sealed envelopes, addressed to the Procurement Manager/Named Procurement Officer, Ministry of Works and Transport and clearly labelled on the outside:
Hire of Mechanical Equipment/Vehicles for the Ministry of Works and Transport on an “as and when required” basis for a period of two (2) years
Submissions must be deposited in the WHITE Tender Box located on the Ground Floor of the Ministry of Works and Transport, Head Office Building, #13 Richmond Street, Port of Spain, 100623 no later than Thursday, 23rd May, 2024 at 1:00pm.
Tenderers are advised that the opening of tenders will be conducted via MICROSOFT TEAMS. You may request a link from Procurement Unit at: procurement@mowt.gov.tt in order to connect and view the tender opening.
Late Bids will not be considered under any circumstances.
Failure to comply with any of these instructions or to submit any documentation required in the bidding document may result in bids not being considered.       
Prospective tenderers are advised that they can visit the Ministry’s website at http://www.mowt.gov.tt for published Tender Notices.
Named Procurement Officer
                              Ministry of Works and Transport
Site Visit/Pre-Tender Meeting is NOT applicable.

Download Tender Notice